"Less talk and more action is needed on Wylfa" - Llinos Medi

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Nuclear Energy has published a report today (17/11/23) which urges UK ministers to support Wylfa on Ynys Môn as a site for a new nuclear power station by next year at the latest.

Horizon's Wylfa Newydd project was suspended in 2019 due to the UK Government failing to reach a funding agreement, despite the significant work that had been done locally to unplug the project.

The report "Made in Britain: The Pathway to a Nuclear Renaissance", by MPs and Peers, says discussions should begin soon on the type of nuclear technology for the site.

In response, Llinos Medi, Plaid Cymru's Westminster candidate on Ynys Môn said:

“The lack of direction from the UK Conservative Government over the years has held this project back on Ynys Môn. As Council leader, I led the work of trying to create the best environment to realise Wylfa’s potential. That’s why it was such a blow when all our hard work was undone by UK Government’s failure to put a funding model in place.

“Now the need is more than ever – the need for economic opportunities locally coupled with an energy crisis makes Wylfa’s potential even clearer. On Wylfa, less talk and more action is needed if we are serious about net zero and about jobs".

Rhun ap Iorwerth, Member of the Senedd for Ynys Môn added:

“We did all we could to ensure the Wylfa Newydd project was serious about reflecting our community’s needs, only for the rug to be pulled from under our feet by the Conservative Government, with the collapse of Horizon’s plan.

“Now we’re back at square one, but we’ll continue to look at maximising the opportunities at Wylfa whilst ensuring that the interests of Ynys Môn must be at the heart of every step of any new project. And we’ll do that at the same time as we explore and deliver exciting renewables projects. Our demand for electricity will go up massively as we stop burning fossil fuels, so if we’ll need all the net zero tools at our disposal.”

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